Most common issues I specialize in

While having works done here on the island while your time and knowledge is limited, it’s essential to have someone who is experienced in any of the works that the property requires. Many times there is also a language barrier and communication difficulty between the owner and service providers. Having a lawyer or a constructor or a builder is great and necessary but the architect will not be always present. So in such cases is necessary to be informed and to have someone to keep you up to date, where your investment is going and how things are actually being done. This is vitally important as I have always worked with pictures & text messages to provide direct info to my clients. This keeps peace of mind and assurance to have clear bills in life and no misunderstanding that causes so many unfortunate people to lose their will to accomplish their dreams come true. Almost none will provide you with actual information and a picture is worth 1000 words ( as the old saying goes) especially on installations and later hidden mistakes that cause many headaches for years to come. In the end, it is just a matter of communication and sorting things as we move along. And with many languages spoken and offices opened in my past, I really have no problems sorting any quest to satisfy my clients.

If it’s your home or a rental house or a combination of both, it’s a good idea to know the management and what expenses are being generated. Most times people do not invest enough time into exploring the market and the position that their property is in. They just hear from others what works well for them and often miss out on the fails or mistakes others have done. Is always good to hear from an experienced person, advice that can save you years of misunderstandings. Quite often the cost can excel the income and that results in not wanting the property anymore…
Have you ever wondered why so many properties are for sale? 70% of people came to the island with the idea to purchase a future investment, yet they did not inform themselves enough and lost money in the first 3 years…
It’s good to hear from someone, who has no interest to sell you anything else than 20 years of sorting people’s homes here on Fuerteventura and having 30 years of experience in doing such services.
Small advice can be of great help in the long run. I am just sharing information that can help you avoid mistakes on paperwork or language barriers and not understanding the nature of this island.

The water here comes from the sea. While it is desalinated it also removes all that would serve as feeding the plants but is corrosive and chlorinated to prevent algae from spreading. This creates a whole level of unwanted issues on properties. Pools are one of these issues and all non PVC installations are affected by it. All appliances that are prone to corrosion also. Depending on the property position on the island also the weather can cause many unwanted issues. Humidity is a whole another level of almost every property. As they say here: it only rains twice a year! But this makes it difficult to maintain all the mistakes that were not properly addressed from the start of construction of the new property. Just covering it, is like putting stickers on a rusted car… I would strongly suggest informing yourself of purchases of used or newly built properties. Asking for advice can save so much stress and if rental is later done, can save many unwanted reclamations. Or you will spend every year painting the same causes. Island is special with weather conditions and as it looks nice during the day, the night has its own magical forces.
In terms of new construction, all are starting at the very foundations. Ever since plastic paint was introduced, things just got worse. Nevertheless when the rain comes and it can be stormy with strong winds pushing water where you at least expected it. You will not believe how many homes are “fixed” with silicone… that does not help at all, only makes it worse and ugly to see. Sure you can buy any quick fix to any problem. But will not remove the cause of it. Educate yourself on this matter, or getting someone to explain is a very good idea. Plus there is no universal rule to this subject. Each property is alive just like we are. Each is special, even if it looks the same.

Creating gardens for over 18 years here on the island, have given me many lessons. I do not do much of them anymore. I now create parks or tiny forest-like oases for long term clients. Mainly I educate people on many options and ways to create a garden. From permaculture to aquaponic gardens and the importance of composting the soil. My speciality is long term self-sustainable growing gardens or parks. That does not mean cheap solutions, but it means mean that the garden will be growing in harmony with the natural laws of this island. I always invite clients to my plant rescue park in the middle of the island, to share ideas and give insight to preparations needed for 10/20/30 years solutions. Most gardens die in the first 5-10 years. Just native plants will probably survive and cactuses. I literally live in my park sheltered by plants. That is my way of living. Being connected to plant spirits is a very joyous experience to me. That is why my hobby is saving all plants that come my way and giving them second chance in my little park. My park is planted only with rescued and discarded plants and the vibe is vibrant and full of positive energy from all grateful plants. You are welcome to come and see for yourself. And if any advice is needed, do not hesitate to ask.
Irrigation can be tricky, so the better the information – the better the plants will be.

While living in a house or villa or even an apartment is really nice, the nature here is harsh and difficult to many. Yet most of us who live here mostly spend time outside and enjoy the conditions all year round. Over the years I have helped many people build their homes from scratch and off-grid. Having someone who can help you connect the dots and give you first-hand experience of what does work and what does not work depending on location and materials used, can be saving a lot of stress. Having a good connection on how to proceed with solar options and different water delivery solutions can save you time and money. Knowing what one shall need and not just going for the first idea, can save time-consuming struggles. Believe me, a hot shower is still missing in many places where people live. Yet is so basic need and easy to sort from the beginning. Something so basic, that many prefer to shower with cold water… Uh, that is just not so cool. Why not ask for some advice?

So now we come to the more advanced subject of self-healing and raising your frequency to live a healthy, free and abundantly.
If you are curious, you can learn more about it on my website:
I shall leave this subject with just one sentence:
Free yourself from solutions provided by mainstream healthcare.